The evaluation process begins with a spend analysis to review annualized accounts payable by vendor to identify optimal sourcing categories.
SMG’s unique lock analysis tools are applied to determine the Buying Agility™ for that category and whether it can be attained or improved.
Strategy and Execution for sourcing categories (individual buying transactions IBT)
SMG prepares a strategy document for each IBT.
Throughout the entire process, SMG prepares an ongoing series of tactical scripts which are used to execute the IBT and to coach and train the client team in real time to learn the Buying Agility™ process.
SMG provides this service behind the scenes without vendor knowledge of its involvement. This has been proven to maximize the savings and the knowledge transfer.
Measurement, Education & Training
Measurement is central to every IBT project.
Accurate data collection is required to create a baseline model, which is used to evaluate supplier proposals.
The final baseline model from the winning supplier is used as a compliance tool to compare the invoice prices against the bid prices.
Education and Training is part of every IBT project as they are coached and trained by SMG on a hands-on basis with each IBT project.
Buying Agility™ becomes imbedded in how the client does business.